Kathy Erteman studio news

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today I write to you with BIG news. After 20 years of living and working on 18th Street I will soon be moving. As you all know New York is a changing landscape and my move has been pending for quite some time. The date is now set for mid January.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that my long time wait for a space in Westbeth Artist Community comes to pass. In the meantime I will be living and working upstate in Stone Ridge, New York with frequent trips to the city.

I hope to see you in early December for my final Open Studio and Sale. The following week come back for the Moving Sale where I'll be selling furniture, ceramics from my collection, and miscellaneous surprises from deep in the cupboards!
Please save the dates for the LAST 18th Street Studio Sale and Moving Sale!
Studio Sale
Thursday December 4,  6-9  with cocktail reception
Friday December 5, 12-8

Saturday December 6,  11-3
Moving Sale
Friday December 12,  4-9
Saturday December 13,  10-6

Send me a note with any questions or thoughts and I look forward to raising a glass with you !