Kathy Erteman studio news

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Open Studio & Sale

I look forward to seeing you for a fun evening!

16 East 18th St. #2 • NYC, 10003 • 212-929-9370

Thursday December 8, 2011 • 6-9pm • cocktails
Friday December 9, 2011 • 11am - 6pm

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hudson Valley Open Studio and Sale with Ayumi Horie

I am pleased to be invited by renowned potter Ayumi Horie to join in her annual open studio and sale Columbus Day weekend October 8 & 9 in Cottekill NY.

Ayumi requested that I bring functional pots so I took the opportunity to make bowls and plates in ultra thin porcelain as well as some black and white pots including mugs.

Earlier this year Ayumi spearheaded the founding of an earthquake disaster relief fund,Handmade for Japan. I donated 3 pieces to the benefit auction which in total raised $76,000 from the sale of handmade ceramics.

The efforts continue as there is still much help needed and we will be contributing some of our open studio procceds to Handmade for Japan. Details on all will follow soon.

Columbus Day weekend is the perfect time to visit the Hudson Valley to view the fall leaves, pick apples and visit Ayumi's historic church studio for the Open Studio and Sale.

I hope to see you then!

For more information view Ayumi's newsletter or go to www.ayumihorie.com

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Big Creek Pottery 40 Year Reunion

July 2nd and 3rd, 2011

Big Creek Pottery
Davenport, CA 95017

For more information visit www.bigcreekpottery.org

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Handmade for Japan

Benefit Auction
March 24-27, 2011

With a special fondness for Japan and much creative inspiration received from Japanese culture I was deeply saddened by the recent earthquake and the tremendous impact it will have for many years ahead. Hudson Valley Potter Ayumi Horie organized an online benefit auction Handmade for Japan and asked me to donate work to raise funds for relief.

I donated 3 of my favorite pieces made after a trip to Japan in 2005. Among a handful of artists initially chosen to participate word spread like wildfire and the work of 90 artists was offered at Handmade for Japan an Ebay auction. The auction just ended and raised over $75,000!

Thanks to donors, bidders, organizers and supporters for a job well done.

You can still make a direct donation to Handmade for Japan through GlobalGiving.

Learn more at Handmade for Japan at www.handmadeforjapan.org

New York Times T magazine blog

American Craft Magazine

These are the pieces I donated to Handmade for Japan Auction.